This season the runways have been
overflowing with gorgeous and fashionable looks for African woman. There are a
number of hair, make-up and fashion trends that really emphasize the beauty of
darker skin currently on show in the latest beauty and fashion magazines. With
this in mind, here are some of the top African beauty trends that are going to
be big this season.
The classic African fabric Ankara is set to be big this season. A number of designers have featured this once poor-man’s fabric in their new season collections. Why not go back to your roots and purchase a colourful dress made from Ankara in order to really make a statement this summer?
Ankara is one local fabric that has come to stay
on the Nigerian fashion scene . The designs and texture of this timeless
classic keep evolving into sassy and elegant prints.
Fashion designers in recent times, spend quality
time to create exotic styles in evening wears, dresses, crop jackets and knee
length skirt sousing this fantastic fabric.
Also, accessories like handbags and shoes are not
left out in the Ankara syndrome. This versatile fabric is a must-have for both
male and female, a clear cut from the normal English wears to the office. All
you need is take adequate care of your Ankara fabric to keep it shinning and
beautiful all year round.
Wash with mild soap, avoid using corrosive detergents;
Use a mild starch;
Do not spread under the hot sun; and
Iron from the back of the fabric or spread under the early morning dew.
I am extremely excited at the rate at which the
fashion industry has fully embraced the use of our very own African Print
fabric – ANKARA. It has surely become a force to reckon with and it
seems there is an insatiable taste for the colourful fabric to be used for
anything and everything.
Ankara is now used to create the most beautiful
and breathtaking fashion accessories. You can now
adorn yourselves in quirky accessories fashioned out of African print
fabrics from head to toe – Hair bands, Earrings, Rings,
Brooches, Bangles, Necklaces, neck bibs, Shoes, Bags, Laptop cases etc.
The use of Ankara on accessories isn’t exactly
novel, we have one of the pioneers who popularized the use of Ankara Fabric in
designing different fashion accessories Ituen Bassey for the mainstream
appreciation of the African fabric gem. It is safe to say she started the
Ankara accessory craze with her Ankara necklaces and Bangles in different sizes
way back in 2009. Back then, you had to be a trend s
etter and possibly
have an innate understanding of art to appreciate the beauties she created out
of such a brashly bold local fabric.
Pick an Ankara Fabric today and try it on in
other to appreciate what Africa has to offer in terms of fashion.